Kevin Miller- A Sheriff for ALL People
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Kevin Miller for Adams County Sheriff
Experience & Dedication
Miller Endorsed by Fraternal Order of Police
On February 9, 2025 the members of the Fraternal Order of Police Tri-County Lodge #76 representing law enforcement officers from Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton, and Perry Counties, voted to endorse and support Kevin for his bid for election to the position of Sheriff of Adams County, Pennsylvania.
Neighboring County Sheriff's Endorse Miller
Kevin Miller is proud to report that he has also been endorsed by the following neighboring county Sheriff's:
Sheriff Ben Sites- Franklin Co. PA
Sheriff Jody Smith-Cumberland Co. PA

Kevin Miller Supports Scouting and Youth Citizenry. Kevin believes our youth is our biggest asset, and he is ready to recognize those that have achieved their Eagle Scout award as well as those youth that exhibit exemplary citizenship in our communities. The youth are the future leaders of tomorrow and we must embrace them. He has a program ready to begin immediately if elected.
Let's talk Leadership and Participation..... As the only candidate with almost two decades of experience in office (16 yrs in senior management), Kevin Miller has been an active participant over the years in many venues. During those years, Kevin was a reliable and active participant with the Healthy Adams County Domestic Violence Task Force/Human Trafficking Task Force discussing areas of conflict and problem solving matters to better assist victims of domestic violence with respect to Protection From Abuse Orders (PFA's) and all of the challenges faced regarding the service of them. Kevin feels strongly about the deterrence of Human Trafficking and especially passionate about wanting to bring people to justice for those that harm our children and youth. He would like to see the Sheriff's Office play a greater role in those areas. At the meetings he attended, great conversations led to a better approach to quick service of the orders and a more thorough approach of the process. In the more recent years, Kevin chose to be a good leader and as a good leader does, recognized strength and provided opportunity for a subordinate supervisor to be part of the Task Force due to his duties as the Operations Lieutenant in the Office rapidly increasing. He didn't stop there. A few years ago an unfunded legislative mandate came about creating the situation where firearms are confiscated more regularly during PFA services (Act 79). All of the local agencies had to figure out where they would find room in their departments to store an elevated amount of firearms. In addition to being responsible for the planning of supervision of the remodeling/restructuring of the office, the Property and Evidence Room was also greatly enlarged to handle the effects of Act 79. Additionally, he was also volunteering for many years at the Adams County Technical Institute representing the Office alongside other local municipal and State Police Officers assisting with the NOCTI (National Occupational Competency Testing Institute) assessment of the Juniors and Seniors from all the participating Adams County School Districts School during their Criminal Justice assessment. This assessment measures the student's skills and knowledge for a career. It includes how to make an arrest, processing a crime scene, proper handcuffing, and documentation to name a few. Once again, Kevin recognized strength in office leadership and presented the opportunity to a subordinate supervisor providing them a mechanism to grow as a leader and participate in more events. Kevin will continue to step up immediately when necessary to fill the void if they are unable to attend an event or meeting. Kevin continues to actively participates with and represent the Sheriff's Office in the following venues and will continue to do so because they are vital to the operations of County Government: Security Board, Prison Board, Criminal Justice Advisory (CJAB), CJAB Technology Committee, Adaptable Achievers, and was also the CJAB Warrant Committee Chairperson under the supervision of the Honorable Judge Michael George where a 'Warrant Guide" was created that later helped lay a path for a more efficient approach to the service of warrants in Adams County today. Once the goal of the committee had been accomplished, it was disbanded. Additionally, several years ago as the Operations Lieutenant, Kevin was appointed by the Adams County Chief's of Police Association to represent them as their Criminal Justice Sub-Committee voting board member for the South Central Task Force, in Pennsylvania and continues that role today. Recently he was instrumental for inviting a key player from the South Central Task Force to the Adams County Chief's of Police meeting that will now play a huge role in possible low to no-cost training of law enforcement officers in and out of Adams County in order to enhance the ability to keep our children safer in the future. Personally, Kevin is in the process to become an Assistant Boy Scout Master for his local troop. Kevin does show up and will show up if elected as Sheriff.
Training Requirement to be Sheriff.... Did you know that if elected Sheriff, one must be certified with Act 2 Sheriff/Deputy Sheriff Training and Certification before the end of their first 4-year term as Sheriff? Failure to do so will prohibit them from being allowed on the ballot to run for re-election into a second term. Basic training is required of all law enforcement officers who wish to serve as a Sheriff or a deputy sheriff in Pennsylvania. This 19-week/760 hour residency program in State College, PA covers topics mandated by the Commonwealth. Only sworn Sheriffs or deputy sheriffs may participate in this program. You can view more regarding this on the PA Center on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) basic training website. Additionally, those individuals that are currently a police officer and have acquired the credentials of Act 120 through the Municipal Police Officer Education and Training Commission(MPOETC) mandated academy, a 919-hour program covering modules of training, or a Pennsylvania State Police Officer is eligible for a two week waiver program. Also, if you are a trained military police/law enforcement officer, you will be eligible for a special reduced waiver course to receive your municipal officer police training certification. Without any of these, an individual elected as Sheriff will need to attend the Act 2 academy. Kevin Miller has completed Act 2 Deputy Sheriff Training many years ago and has successfully completed all the bi-annual and annual updates and trainings and is current and in good standing with his certifications. In addition, over the years Kevin has taken well over a thousand hours of trainings that have enhanced his knowledge level and certification levels such as Standard Field Sobriety Certification which enabled him to participate with the Adams County DUI Task Force during checkpoints and roving patrols allowing him to make multiple DUI arrests keeping our families safer from the risk of catastrophe as a result of a driver under the influence of drugs or alcohol. He has also been the handgun, shotgun, patrol rifle instructor for the Adams County Sheriff's Office for several years. Kevin will NOT have to be trained to be Sheriff and is experienced and ready to be your Sheriff on Day ONE if elected.
Experience and Memberships.... Kevin Miller has been involved in the criminal justice field nearly his entire adult life with the completion and experience in each of the following listed academies/courses: Associate Degree in Criminal Justice Pennsylvania Act 2 Deputy Sheriff Academy US Army Military Police Academy PA Department of Corrections Academy PA Constable Training and Education (Mt Pleasant Twp. Constable- Adams Co, PA) TransCor LLC - Senior Extradition Agent (Nashville, TN) Transporting wanted persons nationwide. Approximately 13 years working private security additionally parttime. Kevin was also deputized as a Special Deputy for the US Marshals fugitive task force earlier in his Sheriff's Office career. Kevin is a member of the following organizations: The National Sheriff's Association The Pennsylvania Sheriff's Association The Tri-County Lodge #76 Fraternal Order of Police The Adams County Law Enforcement Association (Former Secretary) The McSherrystown Fish & Game Association The Littletown Fish and Game Association The Littlestown Fraternal Order of Eagles #2226 Republican Party Committee Member (Littlestown)